Pranic Healing Practitioners

Below is a list of approved Pranic Healing Practitioners in New South Wales Australia.


Wendy MacDonell - 0408 466255, 02-93573457-Sydney

Ysaiah Ross - 1800 332 772, 02-42846160-Wollongong

Lara Hewitt 0409 821877,02-9544-4364 - Sydney South

Luceille Urqhuart 02-9525 0016 - Sydney South

Rodney Tejares - 0404276161 - Sydney West and Southwest

Jan Rowan 02-4325 1886, 0438 425013 - Central Coast

Fara Curlewis 07 38562192, 0418217193 - Brisbane

Noelle Harb, 0430120088, Southwest and West Sydney.